Ashley Collar

Ashley Mae Collar

  • Assistant Director of Leadership Giving
Email Address:
Office location:
Lentz Hall 400C


Ashley realized her passion for education after teaching English and Drama for four years in China. She believes in accessible education and is happy to work in a department at Carthage College that tries to make education more accessible to its students by raising funds for scholarships and the College.


  • Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and Chinese — University of Wisconsin-Madison

Main responsibilities at Carthage

Ashley’s focus is on building and maintaining relationships with those who want to make an impact at Carthage. 

Favorite thing about working at Carthage

Ashley’s favorite part about working at Carthage is the Wellness Wednesdays. Having an opportunity to walk around the beautiful campus or attend luncheons to learn more about taking care of oneself is very meaningful to her. 

Other interests?

In her free time, Ashley enjoys dancing, attempting to rollerskate, reading, painting, and laughing with friends.